Frequent questions
What are the reception hours?
The reception will be happy to welcome you at any time, open 24 hours a day.
At what time can I check in - check out?
Check-in is available from 11:00/11:30 am approximately.
While for Check-out they must be vacated by 10.00 am
While for Check-out they must be vacated by 10.00 am
When is breakfast served?
Breakfast is served from 8:00 until 12:00.
What is the dinner time?
The Dinner Service is from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Is the payment of a deposit required?
Yes, an initial deposit is required by bank transfer
What payments do you accept?
Are accepted:
- Cash
- Credit card
- Transfer
Is there a parking space for the car or motorbike?
The parking space must be booked and has a supplement of € 6.00 per day, while the cost of the motorcycle parking space is € 3.00 per day.
How do you access your wellness center?
At our 3-Star Hotel you will be able to access EXCLUSIVELY and PRE-BOOKING to the wellness center for up to 4 people at a time, perfect for couples who want to find a moment of relaxation together.
Is massage service available?
You can book a massage with our masseur and choose between different types of massages.